A meal planning app I made to be able to create grocery lists for the week, and record recipes we commonly use. This was an earlier project I never finished. It needs a lot of styling, but the functionality is there! You can add recipes, record ingredient prices (and be notified when an ingredient's been added without a price), create custom or random meal plans, save meal plans, and view the grocery list and total cost for each of them.
Home page displays all the current users saved recipes, can use the links below the navbar to filter by mealtype
Home page displays all the current users saved recipes, can use the links below the navbar to filter by mealtype
When the ingredients link is red, there is an ingredient that doesn't have a recipe attached to it
When the ingredients link is red, there is an ingredient that doesn't have a recipe attached to it
Click that ingredient row to open the edit page, where you can record the lowest price and what store to get it from
Click that ingredient row to open the edit page, where you can record the lowest price and what store to get it from
The ingredients page also displays what recipe(s) each ingredient is included in
The ingredients page also displays what recipe(s) each ingredient is included in
Custom meal plan allows you to check which recipes you want to make that week
Custom meal plan allows you to check which recipes you want to make that week
Random meal plan asks you to indicate how many of each recipe type you want included in your plan. It will generate a plan randomly based on the input you provide
Random meal plan asks you to indicate how many of each recipe type you want included in your plan. It will generate a plan randomly based on the input you provide
Once you create a meal plan, you're taken to a review page where you can name and save your meal plan
Once you create a meal plan, you're taken to a review page where you can name and save your meal plan
When your meal plan is saved, you're directed to the View Plans page
When your meal plan is saved, you're directed to the View Plans page
Each Meal Plan page displays the meals included, separated by meal type.
Each Meal Plan page displays the meals included, separated by meal type.
You can also click the grocery list link from each meal plan to get a list separated by store
You can also click the grocery list link from each meal plan to get a list separated by store
A simple add recipe form
A simple add recipe form
And the view recipe page
And the view recipe page
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